The following International Student testimonials were gathered through voluntary end of the school year surveys.

Share your own HCDSB experience with us by email at

What was your favourite experience while attending school at the HCDSB?


“Having a chance to live and study in a new environment, learning about different cultures and meeting new friends from different countries, trying different kinds of new food, learning to be independent, etc.”

Student Name: Jamie
HCDSB School: Assumption CSS
Home Country: China


“My favourite thing while attending school at the Halton Catholic DSB is the uniform. Uniforms makes everyone look the same. Students are more confident and not shy about “poor or rich” and how expensive your clothes are.”

Student Name: Thomas N.
HCDSB School: St. Ignatius of Loyola CSS
Home Country: Vietnam


“My favorite experience of attending school at the Halton Catholic DSB is that the school provided me an environment with multicultural diversity and everyone is equally respected. We created a club called Multicultural Club and had many activities. We held two Multicultural Spring Festivals which were very successful.”

Student Name: Crystal
HCDSB School: St. Ignatius of Loyola CSS
Home Country: China

Were you involved in any extra-curricular activities?


“I [joined] the STEAM Club and luckily became an executive. I enjoyed the STEAM events, we hung out with elementary students and showed them how things work and explained things to them. I also enjoy the L2L Program, teaching others and also made friends there. I feel happy when I share what I have learned.”

Student Name: Keyas L.
HCDSB School: Notre Dame CSS
Home Country: China


“I joined the badminton club. There, I found people who enjoy badminton and also some worthy players. It made me bring back my passion about sports again.”

Student Name: Richard Z.
HCDSB School: Assumption CSS
Home Country: China


“The biggest part of my extra-curricular activities in high school was my involvement in academic contests. Through preparing and competing in the contests, I could improve my learning skills and academic capabilities beyond the school curriculum. Also, being part of sports teams, such as badminton and track & field, allowed me to enjoy my school life even after all the classes are over.”

Student Name: Kyle H.
HCDSB School: St. Ignatius of Loyola CSS
Home Country: South Korea

Would you recommend the HCDSB to other potential International Students? 


“Yes, since it has been a great experience and the teachers are responsible, kind and knowledgeable.”

Student Name: Bill L.
HCDSB School: Assumption CSS
Home Country:China


“For sure. All the school staff I have met are so nice and helpful. And because of the fact that the proportion of international students in our school board is not large, we have a better chance to communicate with the locals and get to know about Canadian culture.”

Student Name: Emily (Aijia) Y.
HCDSB School: St. Thomas Aquinas CSS
Home Country: China


“Yes, because it is such a wonderful experience studying here. I got to know some wonderful individuals at this school, and also had the time and opportunity to try things I never experienced before. We also get the chance to get involved in some interesting classes such as repertoire and arts to find our own potential.”

Student Name: Kelly Y.
HCDSB School: Corpus Christi CSS
Home Country: China

Do you have any other comments related to your experience at the HCDSB?


“It is just amazing. One of the best parts of my life.”

Student Name: Harry Y.
HCDSB School: Holy Trinity CSS
Home Country: China


“The school community is very welcoming and supportive, definitely going to recommend to other students to reach out for the extra help provided by the school and the HCDSB youth and settlement workers.”

Student Name: Sarah Z.
HCDSB School: Corpus Christi CSS
Home Country: China


“Before I came to Canada, I was very nervous about a new country and a new school. However, [my choice] to be an HCDSB International Student was a good experience in every area in the school community. I feel very happy that I chose this.”

Student Name: Linh N.
HCDSB School: Jean Vanier CSS
Home Country: Vietnam


Some student testimonials have been edited for clarity.