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Kyle @ Loyola Testimonial Q2

Kyle “The biggest part of my extra-curricular activities in high school was my involvement in academic contests. Through preparing and competing in the contests, I could improve my learning skills and academic capabilities beyond the school curriculum. Also, being part of sports teams, such as badminton and track & field, allowed me to enjoy my school life even after all the classes are over.” Student Name: Kyle H. HCDSB School: St. Ignatius of Loyola CSS Home Country: South Korea

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Keyas @ ND Testimonial Q2

Keyas “I [joined] the STEAM Club and luckily became an executive. I enjoyed the STEAM events, we hung out with elementary students and showed them how things work and explained things to them. I also enjoy the L2L Program, teaching others and also made friends there. I feel happy when I share what I have learned.” Student Name: Keyas L. HCDSB School: Notre Dame CSS Home Country: China

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Kevin @ CC Testimonial Q2

Kevin “I joined the Computer Club. Computer Club is more academic that prepares me for the competition [of university]. In contrast, I enjoy the music courses here, they offer me great opportunities learning different instruments.” Student Name: Kevin Z. HCDSB School: Corpus Christi CSS Home Country: China

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Richard @ Assumption Testimonial Q2

Richard “I joined the badminton club. There, I found people who enjoy badminton and also some worthy players. It made me bring back my passion about sports again.” Student Name: Richard Z. HCDSB School: Assumption CSS Home Country: China

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Aijia @ STA Testimonial Q2

Emily “I joined the  L2L Tutor Program. With the help of my tutors, I managed to achieve very satisfying marks in English and later on I became a Math Tutor which provided me with a chance to pay back to the program and the school society.” Student Name: Emily (Aijia) Y. HCDSB School: St. Thomas Aquinas CSS Home Country: China

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Kerry @ Loyola Testimonial Q2

Kerry “I was a School Leadership Team Leader during the 2018-19 school year. What I enjoyed most was getting to develop my leadership and communication skills. I wanted to become a leader since I was little; I want to help as many people as I can. The Leadership Team not only helped me improve my communication skills, but also allowed me to help a lot of people.” Student Name: Kerry X. HCDSB School: St. Ignatius of Loyola CSS Home Country: China